Systemic Racism in CPS Against Black Families

Sep 3, 2022    Louis Felicia Dixon Numan

We Continue to Discuss the Medical Kidnapping of our daughter, E'yona Nikia Numan, from Havenwyck (wicked) Hospital, in Auburn Hills, MI when she was 13 years old. This happened to us five to six years ago in Detroit, MI and this was done by the homosexual community under the Administration of Donald J. Trump and it started with lame duck president—Barack Obama. This took place with CPS and Havenwyck Hospital, Auburn Hills, MI.
Original, True, Divine Love is between a heterosexual man and woman. Now the Government has decided that this type of love that was ordained by God can exist between same sex (two men adopting a child). Today we will continue to discuss and concentrate on Marriage/Family and how the Government has destroyed it through legislative policies.

Child Protective Service organizations are institutions, and we know for a fact that American institutions are racist and typically do not treat Black people as fairly as they treats their (Caucasian) white counterparts. That said, if you are Black, you have an inherent understanding that should your household fall under investigation for evaluation. CPS are "notorious" for not helping children and families who need help---While they were “stalking” my family –Michelle Blair of Detroit, MI had murdered her two children and they were found in a deep freezer three to four years later. Finding Black Children in Deep FREEZERS in Detroit, MI (Michelle Blair) while they are harassing my family--she was mental and needed assistance had her two children in a deep freezer dead for 2-3years and nobody missed them..

We also discussed how and why Native Americans CPS cases are handled differently: If you’ve ever read about a child abuse case involving Native Americans, you’ll also notice that those cases aren’t handled in the same way as other child neglect and abuse cases. And you may have wondered why. Well, there are a couple of reasons, depending on the circumstances, and we’d like to explain them here for you.
Where it happens matters.
Reservations are on federal land, which means crimes committed there are dealt with by the federal government. If someone breaks the law on a Native American Reservation, they’re going to be investigated by federal law enforcement, and be prosecuted in a federal court. This means that if there are allegations of child abuse on an Indian Reservation, CPS can’t just show up and bang on their doors, demanding to be let in.
Many Native American reservations have their own tribal police forces who can conduct investigations into allegations of child abuse and neglect.
Child Protective Services is a state run organization ,and they have no jurisdiction on federal land.

We have been severely persecuted in the name of Jesus Christ and for Blacks to have their God Given Rights trampled on because we are a Nuclear, Heterosexual, Black Family.

In the meantime, We the descendants of Black Slaves have not been paid Reparations, but our slave owners have been paid since April 16, 1862 because they “lost” their property (US—Black Slaves).

As we continue to say here at USCOG--"Our Children Are Our Legacy"...

Facebook: louisfelicianuman
Facebook: The Universal Science Church of God, Inc.
Facebook: CPS = Child Predator Services